Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Happy New Year...

Not much going on except for welcoming in a new year. I do hope Davey will come on and guess the resolutions each of us might have for next year!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday, December 4, 2017

As far as I can tell.....

This is an off week for golf. I use it to order the few items I buy for Christmas and straighten up around the House on the weekend in case any "friends " show up during the Holidays!

 Oh, there is a little partner event for old middle and young players that is considered "shit's and giggle's " fun , sort of like when you play with other couple's from the club. It takes 5 and a half hours to play and all you can think of on the course is how good an ice cold beer will taste when this crap is over with .

But, its for a good cause so let's just leave it at that!