Tuesday, December 18, 2018


I have a surgery coming up to remove a nodule from my shoulder that had good news with the biopsy. Actually 3 other spots are being removed and two of them are the MOHs surgery. I had one on my face today and I get one done on my ankle tomorrow. It was scheduled for NYE but they wanted to get these two easier ones ( really? ) out of the way before they do my lip which will be done by the plastic surgeon and then the shoulder but the general surgeon which will both be done it sounds like after the first of the year. I have to wear a boot after the ankle surgery for two weeks... no hot tub and no pool and no golf for those two weeks.

When this is all said and done I will have had 11 surgeries since I took over this blog. Anymore after this and I just may have to give up the blog, J/K!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Little to No Golf the rest of the year...

Sorry I haven't been around much. Too much happening all at once in my life including not near enough playing golf.   Also, Disqus automatically cut off on the old thread for a while. I didn't know it does that automatically after a set amount of time.  Live and Learn.  If any of you who have my number see that happen again, call or text me.

So will Tiger play in Hawaii?  I doubt it, but it would be great if he did.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Huge week for golf this week right?!

Isn't Tiger and Phil going to finally mix it up this week? I can't wait to spend that $19.99 or 19.95 to see it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

How many events have we already played in the new season?

Isn't this the year the schedule goes haywire and they play 4 majors in 3 months? Do they play 3 WGC's and 4 Majors to go with the Players championship and the Fed Ex Cup from Feb thru August? I think we will see how important the WGC's are after all these events in such a short time!  I hope some of the regular tour events that got 10 or 12 of the top 25/30 players in the world still see that kind of turnout! I'm not totally sold on the "get everything in before NFL starts"!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I think we have Vegas this week...

Everybody moves a little slower while in Vegas and that's my excuse for not putting up new board until Wed.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Sorry still don't have a clue as to the event this week..

Getting better and followup Dr.'s appointment is tomorrow morning. I hope everyone is good! I have been on everyday and clean up has not been too bad for most!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

What is the event this week?

Still a little tired and I have to wait for doctors follow up on next Tuesday to find out when I can start doing anything. I walk in the pool which is all I'm allowed. I'm up to 30 or so minutes of sitting at my desk so getting a little better!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

New Season is upon us. Safeway

After the long offseason the players should be anxious to get back playing again. Or not.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Leg #3 of the Fed Ex Cup is going to be wild....

I think Tiger is going to get himself a top 3 finish this week so that he is in good position to win at East Lake or he could fall out of the top 30 and get two weeks of rest till the RC!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Round 1 as exciting and this week should be even more exciting....

I just want to remind everyone that if you sit on your couch on Thursday and watch golf you will not see any action at Dell event since it starts on Friday and ends on Labor day!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week to Relax Before the Playoffs.

I didn't think Tiger was quite ready to win last week. But he was closer than I thought.

Great win for Brooks. Good for him.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Tiger Woods Week in Akron

I'm elevating this week to the 4th most important week of the year.  Tiger Woods going for his 9th WGC win at Firestone. Traveling thru Texas now on the way to Colorado. Stanley's BBQ in Tyler for us today. Yay.

Monday, July 23, 2018

A week of respect for the bloggers up north.......

A National Championship that only two have won the US Open and the British along with this event right? Lee Trevino and some other guy.

Monday, July 16, 2018

My 4th favorite major of the year this week.....

I hope the rains stay away. I love this event when its brown, burnt out and playing fast! I know that means bad news for Rory but it sure does make for some interesting golf. Someone we all know and love is going to win this week!

Monday, July 9, 2018

The week of golf no one gets too excited about.....

Those weeks before a major. Some get interesting but in the back of your mind you are just wishing the week could end so that we can get to the good stuff!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Ho Hum! Tiger is playing again this week....

I'm sure we will hear about fantastic play during practice and the pro-am event and then he will come out and go +3 after 4 or 5 holes and end up saving the round with some good play on the back to shoot Even for the day.

When he added Valspar to his schedule I actually felt like he was trying to put it together and make another run.... right now I think he is enjoying hanging out with the youngsters and playing again but winning is way down the list. Just my opinion but for him to have only one event between US Open and the British Open ( especially after only lasting 2 rounds ) is a joke and a slap in the face to his fans.

Maybe someone needs to tell him he does not qualify for WGC events anymore and he should adapt his schedule accordingly. He added a couple of new events this year but dropped some and its painfully obvious he is not going to qualify for any of the WGC's.

Oh Well, go Tiger ( for the first two days at least )!!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Breather week......

Recap of last week: Does everyone realize that the US Open was started by the USGA and has been run by the USGA the whole time? NewsFlash....if you don't like the way the USGA sets up the course for THEIR event, then don't play in it or don't go watch it or don't report on it!

No one is forcing you to play or watch or report. See how easy that is? Please don't act like this kind of set up issues has not come up before. Dave Hill called a US Open course a "cow pasture " and cries of " rough is too hard to pitch out of" and "the greens are so hard, the parking lot receives shots better ".....

Crying about the conditions of the US Open has been going on probably longer than most of you have been alive.

Monday, June 11, 2018

The Greatest National Open in Golf...

Outside of The Masters week, this is it for me! I love the US Open when it is set up so tough that 18 holes feels like a 72 hole event in itself!

Monday, June 4, 2018

So much for my prediction.... oh well!

Last week of US Open preparation and I think Jordan and Tiger should spend most of it on the putting green!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Thank God we've got a Tiger Woods week of golf....

I'm back from my golf trip and it was a great time even with a couple of days of rain and cold. I was not sure if I would get anything resembling my old game.... two rounds in the 60's told me I can! I played at under 6,300 so I have to see myself still do it at 6,500+ courses.

Prediction of the year: Tiger Woods wins this week! I DID NOT REALIZE HOW BAD TIGER IS ACTUALLY PUTTING!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Is this a week we get to take a deep breath and relax?

Congrats to Webb on a great week.... I think it was a huge forward step for Tiger this week as well. I am still concerned with his putting or reading of putts when you miss 16 or 17 putts inside 15 feet during the week.

That more than anything kept him from a shot at winning or at least top 3.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Hilton Head.... A great event at a great old school course. ...

It had been many years since my last visit to the Island and man, even hurting it was a treat to play that course with all its history. Getting to play it again this last Fall was a treat and hopefully when we  go again next year I will be better physically!

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Masters is here....

The golf itch is now into its season and this event says it all. I love this week, it is like no other. Of the 4 majors this is fr and away the biggest one! Not even the US Open can hold a candle to it!Enjoy the week folks...

Monday, March 26, 2018

Houston Open and the countdown to Augusta...

Sorry Robo, I know this is a big event for the community but for most of us its the week before.... you know what!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Tiger Woods Off Week - Match Play

Tiger takes the week off to hone his game for the Masters while the rest of the Tour goes to Austin to play in some Hit and Giggle.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Another huge week of golf....

Tiger playing for the fourth week out of last 5. Who would have thought we would ever have the chance to say that again?

Monday, March 5, 2018

Monday, February 26, 2018

Big event this week.....

This WGC event is pretty strong based on how many of the top 50 are playing.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Another huge week for golf.....

Tiger gave us two enjoyable days of golf last week and even though he missed the cut we know he is just a new week away from win #80 in the PGA tour.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Demand for new Tiger Woods thread is overwhelming....

We have posted on Sunday night because the demand for a new Tiger Woods page is huge! He is returning home and many are excited about this coming week! Let the second biggest event of 2018 begin!

Monday, January 29, 2018


A much needed quiet and relaxing week in Phoenix to recover from Tigermania

Monday, January 22, 2018

Tiger Week is Here.

Comeback for the ages begins this week.

And WE CAN DO POLLS. See at right.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It's 2018....

How many of you ever wondered if you would be around in the year 2018? Don't we have the second start of the new season?